
Mini & Me

Baby massage is the gentle, rhythmic stroking of your baby's body using your hands. It’s an old practice that is gradually getting reintroduced to parents and has great mental and physical benefits.

Jackie qualified as a baby massage instructor in 2022, and approached me looking to create an identity for her new business and community, mini & me.

 Given the amount of judgement surrounding parenting, it was crucial for the brand to feel welcoming to all, fun, and a supportive safe-space.

Given the amount of judgement surrounding parenting, it was crucial for the brand to feel welcoming to all, fun, and a supportive safe-space.

 I developed an abstract ‘bean’ shape to represent the a pregnant belly, as well as the safe space that mini & me seeks to create. The bean formed the foundation of the brand, and could be used as a container shape, background or a pattern.

I developed an abstract ‘bean’ shape to represent the a pregnant belly, as well as the safe space that mini & me seeks to create. The bean formed the foundation of the brand, and could be used as a container shape, background or a pattern.
